Amber and William Gooden

Meet the dynamic duo behind Steep Upper Leaf – Amber and William. Their journey into the world of tea began with a shared passion and a stroke of serendipity. Amber, with an entrepreneurial spirit, always dreamed of owning a business, while William, a tea enthusiast at heart, found solace and joy in the delicate flavors of fine teas. The birth of Steep Upper Leaf was a delightful fusion of their dreams and interests. It all started with a simple mishearing – when Amber suggested the name "Stiff Upper Leaf," William, who is hard of hearing, caught "Steep Upper Leaf" instead. And just like that, their company was born, infused with humor and a touch of whimsy. Driven by their shared vision of offering high-quality teas at affordable prices, Amber and William are committed to bringing you the finest tea experiences without breaking the bank. With ten years of partnership and two wonderful children, their bond fuels the heart of Steep Upper Leaf, infusing every aspect of the business with warmth, dedication, and a love for tea. But their journey doesn't stop here. Amber and William envision a future where Steep Upper Leaf transcends the digital realm and finds a physical home in a brick and mortar teahouse. Their dream? To create a space where tea lovers can gather, sip, and savor tea Gongfu Cha style, fostering community and connection one cup at a time. Join them on their tea-filled adventure, and together, let's steep, sip, and celebrate the magic of Steep Upper Leaf